The reproduction level is the ratio between the density-dependent
reproduction rate and the maximal reproduction rate.
#> Sprat Sandeel N.pout Herring Dab Whiting Sole
#> 0.99074238 0.99987053 0.92829319 0.99198802 0.99578514 0.98718674 0.99643774
#> Gurnard Plaice Haddock Cod Saithe
#> 0.44189813 0.08022106 0.94443443 0.99993658 0.99767830
# The reproduction level can be changed without changing the steady state:
params <- setBevertonHolt(NS_params, reproduction_level = 0.9)
#> Warning: The following species require an unrealistic value greater than 1 for `erepro`: Gurnard, Plaice
#> Sprat Sandeel N.pout Herring Dab Whiting Sole Gurnard Plaice Haddock
#> 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9
#> Cod Saithe
#> 0.9 0.9
# The result is the ratio of RDD and R_max
identical(getRDD(params) / species_params(params)$R_max,
#> [1] TRUE