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The interaction coefficient between predator and prey species in the North Sea.




A 12 x 12 matrix.


Blanchard et al.


params <- MizerParams(NS_species_params_gears,
                      interaction = NS_interaction)
#> Warning: `set_multispecies_model()` was deprecated in mizer 2.0.0.
#>  Please use `newMultispeciesParams()` instead.
#> Note: No sel_func column in species data frame. Setting selectivity to be 'knife_edge' for all species.
#> Note: No knife_edge_size column in species data frame. Setting knife edge selectivity equal to w_mat.
#> Note: No h column in species data frame so using f0 and k_vb to calculate it.
#> Note: No gamma column in species data frame so using f0, h, beta, sigma, lambda and kappa to calculate it.
#> Note: No ks column in species data frame so using ks = h * 0.2.
#> Note: No m column in species data frame so using m = 1.
#> Using z0 = z0pre * w_max ^ z0exp for missing z0 values.