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This budget is divided between growth, income, metabolic loss and reproduction.


  species = NULL,
  logarithmic = TRUE,
  return_data = FALSE

plotlyEnergyBudget(object, species = NULL, logarithmic = TRUE, ...)



An object of class MizerSim or MizerParams.


The name of the predator species for which to plot the mortality.


A boolean value that determines whether values should be displayed logarithmicly or linearly. Default is TRUE.


A boolean value that determines whether the formatted data used for the plot is returned instead of the plot itself. Default value is FALSE


Other arguments (currently unused)


A ggplot2 object, unless return_data = TRUE, in which case a list composed of two slots is returned. First slot is a data frame with the four variables 'w', 'value', 'Type', 'Species and the second slot is a data frame with the five variables 'w_mat', 'w_max', 'Species', 'y_coord', 'Type' (to plot vertical lines).

See also


Other plotting functions: plotDeath(), plotResourceLevel(), plotResourcePred(), plotYieldVsF(), plotYieldVsSize()


# \donttest{
plotEnergyBudget(NS_params, species = "Cod")

# Returning the data frame
fr <- plotEnergyBudget(NS_params, return_data = TRUE)
#> List of 2
#>  $ :'data.frame':	3736 obs. of  4 variables:
#>   ..$ w      : num [1:3736] 0.001 0.00119 0.00142 0.0017 0.00203 ...
#>   ..$ value  : num [1:3736] 0.039 0.0437 0.0489 0.0548 0.0614 ...
#>   ..$ Type   : chr [1:3736] "Growth" "Growth" "Growth" "Growth" ...
#>   ..$ Species: Factor w/ 12 levels "Sprat","Sandeel",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
#>  $ :'data.frame':	12 obs. of  5 variables:
#>   ..$ w_mat  : int [1:12] 13 4 23 99 21 75 78 39 105 165 ...
#>   ..$ w_max  : num [1:12] 33 36 100 334 324 ...
#>   ..$ Species: Factor w/ 12 levels "Sprat","Sandeel",..: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
#>   ..$ y_coord: num [1:12] 59.5 103.9 330.1 537.2 611.7 ...
#>   ..$ Type   : logi [1:12] NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
# }