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This is an extension package for the mizer package ( that makes it easy to set up a mizer model with a detritus and a carrion component, thereby allowing for more realistic modelling of the benthic component of fisheries on the continental shelf.

This package was developed to support the creation and exploration of a model for the fishery off the coast in the Northwest Mediterranean near Blanes which forms the basis of the paper

de Juan, S., Delius, G. & Maynou, F. A model of size-spectrum dynamics to estimate the effects of improving fisheries selectivity and reducing discards in Mediterranean mixed demersal fisheries. Fisheries Research 266, 106764 (2023)


You can install the mizerShelf package from GitHub with

{r} remotes::install_github("gustavdelius/mizerShelf")

If this gives an error saying “there is no package called remotes” then you also need to do

{r} install.packages("remotes")

before trying again to install mizerShelf.

You may be prompted to update some of your existing packages. The two packages that you should always update are mizer and mizerExperimental, because the mizerShelf package will always be designed to work with the most recent version of these.