The diet \(D_{ij}(w, w_p)\) is the prey biomass density rate for a predator of species \(i\) and weight \(w\), resolved by prey species \(j\) and prey size \(w_p\). It is calculated from the predation kernel \(\phi(w, w_p)\), the search volume \(\gamma_i(w)\), the feeding level \(f_i(w)\), the species interaction matrix \(\theta_{ij}\) and the prey abundance density \(N_j(w)\): $$ D_{ij}(w, w_p) = (1-f_i(w)) \gamma_i(w) \theta_{ij} N_j(w_p) \phi_i(w, w_p) w_p. $$ The prey index \(j\) can run over all species and the resource. The returned values have units of 1/year.




An object of class MizerSim


An array (predator species x predator size x (prey species + resource) x prey size)


The total rate \(D_{ij}(w)\) at which a predator of species \(i\) and size \(w\) consumes biomass from prey species \(j\) is obtained by integrating over prey sizes: $$ D_{ij}(w) = \int D_{ij}(w, w_p) dw_p. $$ This aggregated diet can also be obtained directly from the getDiet() function.