This package contains several tutorials aiming to learn how to handle mizer models and to be able to calibrate mizer models with empirical data.

How to install:

The devtools package is needed to install packages hosted on GitHub.

Use install.packages("devtools") if necessary

Then devtools::install_github("sizespectrum/mizerHowTo")

Finally, load the newly installed package with


To display any tutorial, use the tutorial() function.

Available tutorials are

  • HTM1: How to parametrise a Mizer model

  • HTM2: How to calibrate a Mizer model using averaged data over time


tutorial("HTM1","html") will display the online version of the first tutorial.

tutorial("HTM2","Rmd") will display the code of the second tutorial.

Several shiny apps (R code with user interface) are embedded in the tutorials. One can start them from the Rmarkdown files (.Rmd) by running the appropriate chunk of code. All shiny apps functions follows this expression shiny_XXX().