Created with purely size-based predation, i.e., no species-specific interactions. Set up with three fishing gears targeting small, medium and large species. Vulnerabilities are represented by changing the clearance rate constant (gamma) between species. Calibrated to efforts effort = c(small = 0.6, medium = 0.6, large = 1.25).


A MizerParams object


N.S. Jacobsen, M. Burgess and K.H. Andersen (2017): Efficiency of fisheries is increasing at the ecosystem level. Fish and Fisheries 18(2) 199- 211. doi:10.1111/faf.12171.

See also

Other example parameter objects: Baltic_params, Barents_params, Benguela_params, NEUSCS_params


# \dontrun{ sim = project(NorthSea_params, effort = c(small = 0.6, medium = 0.6, large = 1.25), progress_bar = FALSE) plot(sim)
# }